Marriage Counseling and Couples Therapy
in Melbourne, Florida
Finding Solutions For Staying Together

Marriage Counseling and Couples Therapy with Earl Ledford, LCSW in Melbourne, Florida
Marriage Counseling and Couples Therapy with Earl Ledford, LCSW in Melbourne, Florida

​Tired of arguing? Tired of fighting? Struggling to stay together? Has your husband or wife cheated? Is pornography a constant source of your fighting? Has an addiction taken over your marriage? Do you feel unloved, disconnected, and alone in your marriage? Is your relationship lacking intimacy or completely sexless, like your partner is just a roommate? Have you tried again and again to get the love you desire from your spouse, only to feel unwanted and neglected? You have come to right place. Earl Ledford, LCSW specializes in couples counseling to help couples find solutions for staying together, guiding couples through affair recovery and other infidelity recovery, and facilitating couples substance use disorder and behavior addiction recovery.
Presently, I am conducting sessions face-to-face in my office and virtually.
Earl Ledford, LCSW's approach to marriage counseling and couples therapy with you and your spouse or partner is to identify what you want to be different in your life, where you are in relation to getting there, what you are willing to do achieve the difference, and to help you keep your focus on getting there instead of digging around in the past. He believes that everybody has the internal resources to change. Earl Ledford's goal in couples counseling is to help you find solutions and take baby steps toward achieving your goal of staying together, recovering from an affair or other infidelity, or recover from a substance and behavior addiction (pornography, cybersex, or sex).
For couples that have decided divorce will best meet their future needs and the economic and emotional needs of their future family ask about my divorce counseling services.
Earl's standard fee is $80.00 for a 45 minute session and $110 for a 60 minute session. He is on most major insurance company provider panels. A sliding scale fee is available for those with a financial need.
In every intimate relationship, empathy is the key to relationship success.
Earl provides training and supervision for master level student as part of their master level education. For couples that will give permission for a student to sit in and observe sessions the fee for a 45 minute session is $50.00. No master level students are available at this time.
Earl Ledford is a Licensed Social worker best known for his highly successful marriage counseling and couples therapy practice located in Melbourne, Florida, where he specializes in finding solutions for couples staying together, recovering from affairs and other infidelities, and recovering from substance use disorders and behavior addictions. He enjoys working with couples who have lost hope, tried everything and have not had good results.

Earl was named 2016 Social Worker of the Year. In 2017 he was named Social Work Educator of the Year. He has served as the NASW-FL Second Vice-President for Budget and Finance and presently serves as the NASW-FL's Space Coast Unit Chair.
​Working together we can:
- save your marriage
- heal from infidelity
- stop arguing
- improve communication
- feel more connected emotionally
-survive your spouse's mid-life crisis
- save your marriage
- heal from infidelity
- stop arguing
- improve communication
- feel more connected emotionally
-survive your spouse's mid-life crisis
- rekindle your sex life
- resolve financial disagreements
- eliminate parenting conflict
- make your step-family happier
- deal productively with extended family
- end chore wars
Solutions Are Found in the Present, Not in the Past
Solutions Are Found in the Present, Not in the Past
Earl Ledford, LCSW's brick and mortar office is located at:

1600 W. Eau Gallie Blvd.
Melbourne, FL 32935

On the corner of Eau Gallie and Commodore Blvd. with Eau Gallie High School on the other corner.

Take elevator up to second floor to Suite 201. Use the call box left of door to find Earl Ledford LCSW and follow directions to call me and I can let you into the lobby.